Friday, January 7, 2011

New Year, New Projects, and New Pets!!

Welcome 2011 !! Oh how I hope you are a better year for us than 2010 was! We are only a week into the year, but we have had many changes around our house already. Our first one was on the 2nd. We sure didn't wait long did we?? LOL We (mostly me) decided that we wanted to redo the bathroom. We finished the whole thing in one day. Does it count as one day if we finished in the wee hours of the morning of the 3rd?? It was just a little change for us but it's amazing how much a coat of paint can do to make you feel better about things.

I have also decided that I am going to start painting and doing different decorating and crafting things around the house as a little pick me up. This week I did something small (well other than the bathroom). I painted and redid a basket that I have had. It sits next to the piano is filled with toys. Even though it is still by the piano and filled with toys it just looks so much CUTER!!

Also, we added another member to our family. Her name is Juarez (yes like the one on G-Force). The boys absolutely ADORE her already.

They like to let her out of the cage and run thru the house. We haven't lost her yet but I am sure that time will come. I pray that I don't find her in the dryer or something when the time comes. Other than that life is pretty much still the same. We are hoping that this year Matt will get to move to a daytime position, but you never know. Well, that's all thats new for now. Here's to a great NEW YEAR and hopefully lots of new and excting things will come our way!!

1 comment:

Levi and Cassie Mallory Family said...

The bathroom looks great. I love the color.