Monday, October 5, 2009

Funny things kids say..........

So I haven't posted in FOREVER!! I didn't realize how much crazier life would be with three kids instead of just two. As I sit here at 11:00PM (pretty much the only quiet time I have) contemplating my life I can't say that I am anything but content. My children are wonderful and are always doing something cute. Our latest addition to the family Kadyn loving known as "Taters" or "Tater Tots" is already crawling. Justyn loves to watch him and laughs everytime Kadyn puts somethingin his mouth. As we were all talking about nicknames, Justyn got this deep, thoughtful look on his face. He realized that he didn't come up with anyones nickname. He has loving decided that we should call the baby "Quesadilla" Where that came from I don't know. Trentyn quickly agreed with him, but then asked what about "taters" ? So now we have Trentyn, Justyn, and Tater Quesadilla.

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